
  • 12. The unpleasant meaning of an old family name is often overlooked if [A] the family tree is fairly limited. [B] the family tie is strong enough. [C] the name is commonly used. [D] nobody in the fam...

  • Part C Directions: You will hear three pieces of recorded material. Before listening to each one, you will have time to read the questions related to it. While listening, answer each question by choos...

  • Part B Directions: For Questions 6-10, you will hear an interview with Mr. Saffo from the Institute for the Future. While you listen, complete the sentences or answer the questions. Use not more than ...

  • Section I Listening Comprehension Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questi...

  • >>点击进入2013年考研试题及答案交流专区 周雷--2013年考研英语阅读解析周雷:2013年考研的考生,大家好,我是北京新东方学校国内部的周磊老师,今天很有幸来到新东方网,跟大家来分享一下,刚刚结束的2013考研英语的一些内容,我所跟大家讲的主要是阅读理解部分。我们也是刚刚拿到了阅读理解的题目,经过浏览和做题以及对这些文章进行分析以后。我们发现这些题目大概有这么以下几个特点。首先第...

  •  英语二原文和答案对照I can pick a date from the past 53 years and know instantly where I was, what happened in the news and even the day of the week. I’ve been able to do this since I was four.我能从过去的五十三年中挑个日子,然...

  • 2013年考研英语二阅读理解试题及答案英语二阅读原文及出处: Text 1 In an essay, entitled “Making It in America,” in the latest issue of The Atlantic, the author Adam Davidson relates a joke from cotton country about just how much...

  • 尊敬的考友:2015年考研于2014年12月27日至12月28日举行(超过3小时的考试科目在12月29日进行),大学士考试网在此预祝大家取得好成绩!大学士考试网编辑团队将和各位考生朋友们共同奋进,我们将一如既往的在12月27、28、29日考后第一时间发布2015年考研英语真题及答案解析;为了能让大家在考后及时看到2015年考研考试试题及答案,准确预估自己的成绩,大学士考试网考研频道将在考后及时发布...

  • SAMPLE 15[生态学]题目序号题型归类第1题中心主旨题型第2题细节推导题型第3题审题定位与中心主旨题型第4题归纳推导题型第5题写作手法题型As Gilbert White, Darwin, and others observed long ago, all species appear to have the innate capacity to increase their numbers...

  •  SAMPLE 14[历史学]题目序号题型归类第1题标点符号题型第2题细节推导题型第3题归纳推导题型第4题审题定位题型第5题反推题型Students of United States history, seeking to identify the circumstances that encouraged the emergence of feminist movements, have tho...

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