
匿名 2019-03-08 16:53:26 热度:
Quiet strength: Experts say it is better to offer unobtrusive help behind the scenes, much Samantha Cameron appears to do for David.

You might think a gentle nudgefrom a loving partner would help you stick to your plan to redecorate the house or get in shape. But a supportive other half with the best intentions can actually demotivateus, according to a study.

Thinking about the support a significant other offers in pursuing goals can undermine the motivation to work towards those goals, scientists claim. It can also increase procrastinationbefore getting down to work.

This phenomenon even has a name - ’self-regulatory outsourcing’ - which is the unconscious reliance on someone else to move your goals forward, coupled by a relaxation of your own effort. It’s not solely a phenomenon between partners, but happens with friends and family too.

The study’s authors, scientists Gráinne Fitzsimons of Duke University and Eli Finkel of Northwestern University, said: ’If you look just at one goal in isolation - as the study does - there can be a negative effect.

’But relying on another person also lets you spread your energy across many goals, which can be effective if your partner is helpful.’ The authors conducted three online experiments with participants recruited from a data-collection service.

In the first, of 52 women, some were asked to focus on a way their partners helped them reach health and fitness goals; the control groupinstead entertained thoughts of their partners helping them with career goals.

When asked how diligently they intended to work toward getting fitter and healthier in the coming week, the first group planned to put in less effort than the second.

Facing an academic goal, people also unconsciously outsourced their exertion to helpful partners. In the second experiment, 74 male and female students were given a means of procrastination - an engagingpuzzle - before completing an academic achievement task that would help them improve their performance at university.

Those who had mused about how their partner helps them with academic achievement procrastinated longer, leaving themselves less time to work productively on the academic task, than did control group participants.

’The first experiment was about intention. The second captures behaviour,’ said Professor Fitzsimons.




该研究的作者、杜克大学科学家哥劳亚 菲茨西蒙斯和西北大学科学家伊莱 芬克尔说:“在研究中我们只是单独研究一个目标的实现情况,结果显示(伴侣的支持)确实是有负面影响。”








nudge: to push somebody/something gently or gradually in a particular direction (朝某方向)轻推,渐渐推动。这里指的是支持、帮助。

demotivate: make (someone) less eager to work or study(使失去动力;使变得消极)

procrastination: the action of delaying or postponing something(拖延;耽搁)

outsource: obtain goods or services from an outside supplier(外包;交外办理)

control group: 对照组

engaging: interesting or pleasant in a way that attracts your attention(有趣的;令人愉快的)

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