五、 把握中心思想的思维训练 从上文中我们所提出的“首尾呼应法”及其在阅读、搭配和笔译题型当中的应用,可以感受到,阅读理解最重要的能力是把握中心思想,学会归纳和概括同类现象的共性是把握中心思想的要诀。在平时的阅读过程中,同学们应当有意识的锻炼自己识别基本、概括信息的能力。这里向大家推荐几种由发现概括性词汇到发现中心句的思维训练题。 1. 选择概括性词汇 A. chemist B. physicist C. scientist D. biologist 该问题要求找出最有概括力的词。化学家、物理学家、科学家和生物学家同时出现时,要马上意识到科学家是最具共性的词汇。因此选C。 2. 选择概括性句子 A. The hotel offers complimentary coffee from 7 to 10 a.m. daily. B. There are many reasons why guests feel at home at the Glorietta Bay Inn. C. The coin-operated laundry room has an ironing board. D. There are a number of extra services at the Glorietta Bay Inn including baby-sitting. A、C、D都从不同侧面说明Glorietta旅馆的服务情况。B选项则概括了他们共性的东西,即:为什么旅客在这家旅馆里有宾至如归的感觉。因此选B。如果文章中包含以上信息,B选项就是中心句。 3. 选择最佳中心思想 Sugar history in the Hawaiian Islands is filled with pioneering. In sailing ship days, Hawaiian sugar growers were many months from sources of supplies and from markets. This isolation built up among the Hawaiian growers an enduring spirit of cooperation. Growers shared with one another improvements in production. Without government aid of any sort, they built great irrigation projects. Without government help, they set up their own research and experiment organization. Pioneering together over the years, they have provided Hawaii with its largest industry. A. In sailing days, Hawaiian sugar growers were many months away from supplies and markets. B. Hawaiian sugar growers built their great industry without government help. C. Hawaiian sugar growers have set up their own research organization and have shared improvements. D. By pioneering together, sugar growers have provided Hawaii with its largest industry. A、B、C只是说明了夏威夷糖业的某一方面,是文章中的具体内容。只有D概括说明了夏威夷糖业振兴发展的秘诀,是全文要说明的问题。因此选D。 4.为短文选择合适的标题 There is a simple economic principle used to determine prices. It is called the law of supply and demand. Supply means the amount of, or access to, certain goods. Demand represents the number of people who want those goods. If there are more goods than wanted, the price of them falls. On the other hand, if the demand for those goods is much greater than the supply, then price rises. Of course manufacturers prefer to sell more goods at increased prices. A. Economic Principles B. Law of Supply and Demand C. More Goods, Lower Prices D. Fewer Goods, Higher Prices 该问题中,A 泛指经济规律,过于宽泛;C和D只是供需规则的两个单独方面,不能包含全部,过于狭隘。正确答案是B,因为供求决定价格才是短文自始至终讨论的主题。 综上所述,“高效阅读”力求使阅读者打破原有的从上到下、从左到右、逐词逐句、一句不落的阅读习惯,转换为针对性更强、中心感更强、收尾处最重、概括力提高的阅读习惯,通过答案定位、详略判断、取舍决策、抓大放小、线索搭配、上下语境、紧扣中心等思维方式的强化训练,使应试者不惧怕阅读理解篇章,使阅读者培养良好的阅读习惯。在此后的系列文章中,愿继续与大家交流最新阅读心得,从中探讨对英语学习有益的良知,以期共勉。 |