一、第一段写作 图表作文有表格(table)、柱形图(bar chart)、饼状图(pie chart)和折线图(diagram)之分,后三种都属于图表的范畴(chart)。不管是chart还是table,都需要进行描述,一般放在文章的第一部分,长度宜适中。描述数据我们要首先看看是几个变量(A),每个变量有几个数据(B),不妨以A*B表示。 如果只有一个变量,有三个数据, As can be seen clearly in the chart, the average number of hours a student spends on Internet every week has increased from 2 hours in 1998 to 8 hours in 2006. 如果是最常见的是2*3的情形, According to the information implied in the chart, we can see clearly that in a big city in China, state owned houses declined from 75% in 1990 to 60% in 1995 and then to 20% in 2000, while private houses rose from 25% to 40% and then to 80% during the same period. 如果是1*n(n>3)的情形,将头与尾描述出来即可,比较好的方法就是在句中描述最后一个与第一个相比变化了多少。 碰到多变量、每个变量多数据的情形,大家应首先进行分类,分成上升、下降两类,或者上升、下降、不变三类,如此,问题可以得到解决。 二、第二段写作 第二段是阐释现象、解释原因的段落,在搬出原因,进行论证的时候,一定要注意起承转合,逻辑清楚,我们总结了以下的套用句式。 it is universally known that the above-mentioned chart truly demonstrates a social issue which is becoming more and more popular currently. What prove to be the underlying reasons for it? Without any doubt, 3 reasons stated as follows can be adopted to account for it. First and foremost,(阐释具体的现象或原因)more importantly, (阐释具体的现象或原因),last but not the least.(阐述具体的现象或原因) 三、第三段写作 最后一段着力于根据图表所反映的变化,对它所存在的问题给出一些措施,对它的未来趋势进行展望或者阐述其发展方向。 To sum up, in order to maintain such a sound momentum, a number of great efforts should be made to take some effective measures in this regard, on the one hand,具体的措施,on the other hand,具体的措施,only in this way, can this momentum be kept smoothly, (如果以上说的是好的趋势) Generally speaking, in order to put an end to this bad momentum, some compelling measures should be taken into account, on the one hand,具体措施, on the other hand,具体措施, only if we have taken the above-mentioned measures ,can this momentum be curbed effectively.(如果以上说的是不好的趋势) 总之,图表作文的写作有一定的规律可循,在写作的过程中,建议2012年的考生们可以套用以上给出的一些重要句子,如此练习、反复实践,必将掌握图表作文的写作套路。 |