范文一 It’s No Use Crying over the Spilt Milk An English proverb has it that “it’s no use crying over the spilt milk”. This picture precisely captures one of such situations—a bottle of milk has been accidentally dropped onto the ground. The reactions of the two individuals in the pictures are totally different. One exclaims “Oh, God, it’s all finished!” whereas the other one is more positive and calm, claiming that “there is still some left。” There are rich implications underlying this scene. For the same event, two different individuals make two totally different observations and comments, reflecting two totally different states of mind—one negative and pessimistic, the other positive and optimistic。 For the pessimistic mind, they tend to exaggerate the seriousness of an accident. Instead of taking active and con 范文二 Interpretation Determines Existence The moment captured by this picture is very dramatic—with a bottle of milk dropped onto the ground and half of the milk spilt, two individuals at the scene produce totally different reactions. One exclaims “Oh, God, it’s all finished!” whereas the other one remains calm and positive—that "there is still some left." This seemingly simple spectacle carries profound philosophical connotations about how we perceive our world. Ours is a complicated world whose bright sides and dark sides coexist. But the demarcation line between the two is not always well-defined. Instead, in many cases, their border line is very subtle. Even with respect to the same situation, as presented by the picture, different people with different states 参考译文 英谚云:“牛奶既倾,眼泪哭干亦于事无补。”这幅图片所捕捉住的,恰恰就是这样一个场景——一瓶牛奶不小心被打翻在地,图片中两个人的反应大相径庭,一个惊呼:“天哪,全完了! ”;另一个则甚为淡定,态度来得更为正面,声称:“尚余些许。” 这一场景的背后,隐含着丰富深刻的内涵。对于同一事件,二个不同的人所作的观察与评价迥然相异,折射出完全不同的两种心态——一种是负面与悲观的,一种则是正面与乐观的。 于悲观者而言,他们往往会夸大某一意外事件的严重性。他们非但不采取主动和具体的步骤去解决问题,相反,他们会陷入绝望,一味地抱怨,放弃应有的努力。最终,他们陷入一种可怕的惰性和不作为。当他们最终真的失败时,他们会将失败归咎于他人或外部条件,而绝少反思自身的人性弱点。这些人的眼光,仅局限于事物的阴暗面;其中真正能成功者,寡矣! |