
匿名 2019-03-08 16:59:10 热度:


n.1.the act or an instance of coming into sight.出现,显露

2.outward aspect 外表,外貌

3.something that appears; a phenomenon景象;现象

习惯用语at first appearance乍看起来; from all appearance(s)看来, 显然

give the appearance of装出…的样子; 看起来象 put on the appearance of装出…样子

真题连线2003 Text 2

They should be quick to respond to letters to the editor, lest animal rights misinformation go unchallenged and acquire a deceptive appearance of truth. 他们应该对读者致编辑的来信及时做出反应,以防止动物权利倡导者借机伪装起真理的外表,猖獗盛行。



vt.1.to be thankful or show gratitude for为…表示感激,感谢

2.to recognize the quality, significance of; to admire greatly; value; 欣赏,赏识,评价

3.to be fully aware of or sensitive to; realize意识到

真题连线2007 part B

Most of all, these new adults must feel that they are respected and supported by a family that appreciates them.最重要的是,这些刚刚成年的人应该觉得,他们受到一个重视他们的家庭的尊重与支持。



v.1.to come or go near or nearer to靠近,接近

2.to begin to deal with or work on 着手开始处理或工作

n.1.the act of approaching 接近

2.a way or means of reaching sth途径;入门方式

习惯用语at the approach of 在…快到的时候

be approaching(to) 与…差不多, 大致相等

make an approach to 对…进行探讨; make approaches to sb.设法接近某人, 想博得某人的好感 真题连线2009 Part B

Historical particularism became a dominant approach to the study of culture in American anthropology, largely through the influence of many students of Boas. 在博厄斯许多弟子的影响下,“历史特殊性”成为美国人类学文化研究中的主导方法。



a.suitable for a particular person, condition, occasion, or place; fitting 适当的,恰当的,特有的

vt.to take possession of or make use of exclusively for oneself 拨给,挪用,盗用

真题连线2000 英译汉

As a result of all these factors,governments are becoming increasingly dependent on biologists and social scientists for planning the appropriate programs and putting them into effect. 由于这些因素的结果,政府正越来越多地依靠生物学家和社会科学家来安排适当的规划,并付诸实施。



n.1.an arbitrator.仲裁人,公断人

2.one who has the power to judge or ordain at will主宰者

真题连线2003 Text 3

“Do we really want railroads to be the arbiters of who wins and who loses in the marketplace?” asks Martin Bercovici, a Washington lawyer who frequently represents shipper. “我们是否真的想让铁路公司成为在市场上决定谁败谁荣的裁决者呢?”一位经常代理货运商的华盛顿牧师马丁·贝科维奇提出了疑问。


构词arithm计算+etic 人或学科(表名词)→算术


链接arithmetical a.算术的; 关于算术的

arithmetician n.算术家

真题连线1996 Passage 4

Why mention the elementary schools? Because thanks to these schools our early mechanics, especially in the New England and Middle atlantic states, were generally literate and at home in arithmetic and in some aspects of geometry and trigonometry. 为什么要提小学教育?正是因为有了这些学校,我们的早期技工才普遍能读会写,并精通算术及部分几何和三角方面的知识,这种情况在新英格兰和大西洋中部各州尤为可见。

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