
匿名 2019-03-08 17:00:26 热度:


The Lord Chancellor said introduction of the Human Rights Bill, which 43 the European Convention on Human Rights legally 44 in Britain , laid down that everybody was 45 to privacy and that public figures could go to court to protect themselves and their families.

43.[A] changes [B] makes [C] sets [D] turns

44.[A] binding [B] convincing [C] restraining [D] sustaining

45.[A] authorized [B] credited [C] entitled [D] qualified

其中,第43题比较简单,在四个动词中,make可以跟宾语和宾语补足语,例如1994年完型中的句子Inaccurate or indefinite words may make it difficult for the listener to understand the message which is being transmitted to him.此外,set可以有这种用法,但只限于set somebody free或者set something in order,其它的两个选项词汇没有这种用法。


35. I support your decision, but I should also make it clear that I am not going to be _________ to it.

[A] connected [B] fastened [C] bound [D] stuck

正确答案是(C).(A) (be) connected一般不与to搭配,而用be connected with: "与……有联系。"(B)(be) fastened to:"被紧紧抓住"。(C)be bound to sth:"必定","受……约束"的意思。这符合题意,故应选(C)。(D)stick to:"坚持",一般不用被动语态。这句话的意思是:我支持你的决定,但我必须讲清楚,我不打算受到它的约束。Bound是bind(v.绑, 镶边, 装订, 约束)的过去分词,其中一个含义是“受……约束的”,而binging是bind的现在分词,表示“具有约束力的”,当年的考试中,这一个题目的错误率很高。此外,B选项词汇fasten是2001年完型填空第32题的D选项词汇。


5. It is well-known that the retired workers in our country are _________ free medical care.

[A] entitled to [B] involved in [C] associated with [D] assigned to


(A)entitled to: "给予……;授予"。(B)involved in:"卷入,被涉及到"。(C)associated with:"与……有关的"。(D)assigned to:"把……分配给"。(A)与题意吻合,故应选(A)。

此外,2006年的完型第6题和1998年第24题的B选项考点range相同,2006年第17题的考点comprehensive出现在1995年第33题的题干中,2005年第4题的考点和1995年的35题的考点相同,2005年底13题和1994年第23题的词汇考点相同。类似的例子不胜枚举。统计表明,1994年到2001年所考过的160个词汇题中,40%以上的选项词汇作为日后完型真题的考点词汇或者选项词汇,因此,可以毫不夸张的说,这8年的 考研词汇是我们考研英语备考中的聚宝盆。把这些题目搞清楚,对于提高我们的考研词汇能力,具有重要的意义。



21.Please do not be ________ by his bad manners since he is merely trying to attract attention.

[A] disregarded [B] distorted [C] irritated [D] intervened


题目分析:regard表示"考虑",所以(A)disregarded:表示"不理、不顾、漠视"之意。(B) distorted:"弄歪,歪曲"。(C)irritated:"被激怒,恼火"。(D) intervened:意为"介入、插入、干涉",一般为不及物动词,因此不可能有be intervened这种被动语态,可以用intervene with短语。从意思上讲,只能是"被他的坏行为"激怒,不可能为其它意思,因此(C) irritated为正确答案。

22. Craig assured his boss that he would __________ all his energies in doing this new job.

[A] call forth [B]call at [C]call on [D]call off


题目分析:本题考查考生对call这一动词与介(副)词搭配成词组时,词组的不同含义。(A) call forth:"唤起,发挥,使产生, 引起, 使起作用"。(A)与题意吻合,故应选(A)。(B) call at:"访问"。(C)call on :"号召,拜访,探望。"(D) call off :"取消,转移"。此题上下文为:Craig向他的老板保证,在做这项新工作中,他将发挥他所有的能力。

23. Too much ________ to X-rays can cause skin burns, cancer or other damage to the body.

[A] disclosure [B] exhibition [C] contact [D] exposure


题目分析:(A) disclosure:close为"关闭"之意, disclose的含义是"揭露, 透露"。(B) exhibition: "展览,表演",一般用于exhibition of ...表示:"……的展览",或on exhibition: "在展览中"。(C)contact:"接触,联系",用于contact with :"同……接触"。(D)exposure :"暴露;揭露;接触",用于词组exposure to : "暴露于……中"。根据上下文及用词搭配,都应该选(D)exposure。

24. When confronted with such questions, my mind goes __________, and I can hardly remember my own date of birth.

[A] dim [B]blank [C] faint [D] vain


题目分析:(A)dim:" 昏暗的,模糊的",go dim:指"(脑子)变得混沌不清楚。"(B)blank: "空白的",go blank指"(头脑)变成一片空白",与后面"我几乎记不起来我自己的生日"意思相吻合,故应选(B)。(C)faint : "衰弱的,昏晕的",go faint :一般指"(身体)发晕";(D)vain :"空费的,徒劳的;自负的"。一般不与go搭配,短语in vain是“徒劳的,白白的”。

25. It is well known that knowledge is the _________ condition for expansion of mind.

[A] incompatible [B] incredible [C] indefinite [D] indispensable


题目分析:(A)incompatible: "不能共存的,不相容的"。(B) incredible:"难以置信的;不可思议的"。(C)indefinite: "含糊的;不明确的"。(D)indispensible:"必不可少的;必需的"。此题目译为:大家都知道,知识是扩充头脑的必不可少的条件。It是形式主语,that引导的是主语从句。根据上下文判断,(D)是最合适的答案。

26. More than two hundred years ago the United States __________ from the British Empire and became an independent country.

[A] got off [B] pulled down [C] broke away [D] attached to


题目分析:此题目考查词组意义。(A)got off : "下来,出发,动身"。(B)pulled down:"拆毁;拖垮"。(C)broke away(from): "脱离,摆脱",根据上下文,应选(C)。(D)dropped off :"陆续散去,睡着"。

27. Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is ________ loud continuous noise.

[A] subjected to [B] filled with [C] associated with [D] dropped off


题目分析:(A)(be)subjected to : "遭受,受到,服从"。 (B)(be ) filled with : "充满了"。(C)(be) associated with: "与……联系在一起"。(D)(be) attached to:"附属于,依恋于"。显然是(A)"遭受到极大的不断的噪声"为最合理。


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