David Beckham has launched a new charitable fund in China to promote youth soccer and even made an appearance on the Chinese version of The Voice to spread the word. 英国球星贝克汉姆在中国成立了一个新的慈善基金,帮助推广青少年足球。小贝还做客央视节目《开讲啦》发表演讲。 The former Manchester United winger hit the stage in Beijing to wow the crowd with a few kick-ups despite wearing shoes and a suit. 这位前曼联俱乐部球员在北京登上舞台发表演讲,虽然西装革履但还是灵活地秀了几下球技,引来观众一片称赞。 Beckham has teamed up with the China Sooong Ching Ling Foundation to boost the profile of football amongst youngsters in China. 贝克汉姆携手中国宋庆龄基金会,致力于提升足球在中国青少年中的形象。 He also delighted the audience by performing some of his famous soccer moves on air. 演讲过程中,贝克汉姆还秀了一下自己的“贝式” 招牌动作,观众们也是看得非常开心。 |