除了通过"个人经历型"和"名人及事迹型"的举例之外,考生也可以在考场上使用"社会热点事件"来进行论证。援引社会热点事件,能够更加贴切当前社会热点,使论证更加具备可信度,总体来说,"社会热点型"举例论证需要在考场自由发挥,当然,考生在考前积累背诵相应的例子素材,也会非常有用。比如: The successful launching of Chang’e No.1 Lunar Explorer should be attributed to the Chinese scientists’ collective efforts instead of personal competence. 嫦娥一号探月卫星的成功发射应该归功于中国科学家的共同努力,而非个人能力。 Some scientists devote their whole life in the enterprise of scientific inquiry. They are not rich and their life is monotonous, they are little known and few people know their contribution. However, when life ends, their achievement in scientific research will constantly benefit mankind and will never be forgotten by people! 一些科学家将毕生生命投注于科学探索事业。他们并不富裕,生活也很单调,甚至无人知道他们的存在,也很少有人知道他们的贡献。然而当他们的生命结束了,他们的科研成果却将一直造福人类,并永远为人们铭记! Air pollution is increasingly becoming the focus of government and citizen concern around the globe. From Mexico City and New York to Singapore and Tokyo, new solutions to this old problem are being proposed and implemented with ever increasing speed. 空气污染,在全世界范围内,已经愈发成为了政府和公众关心的话题。从墨西哥纽约,到新加坡和东京,这个古老问题的最新方法被越来越快地提出和实施。 In some places of western China, to rake in economic benefits, some people inhibitedly exploit coal resources without much consideration about the damage of their misdeeds on resource conservation, environment and the interests of future generation. Now, coal resources in these areas have been in severe shortage. 在中国西部的某些地方,人们为了获取经济利益,丝毫没有考虑到过度开采对资源保护、环境和子孙后代的利益的损害而肆无忌惮地开采煤矿。现在,这些煤地方矿资源已经严重短缺。 It is undeniable that mobile phones have facilitated our lives in many different ways. For example, when an emergency occurs, such as a traffic accident or a violent crime, mobile phones can help the victims to call the police or an ambulance immediately for help. 毫无疑问,手机从很多方便使我们的生活变得更加便利。比如说,在突发事件(诸如交通事故和暴力犯罪)发生的时候, 手机可以使受害者立即拨打警察的电话寻求帮助。 ![]() 如此承诺 各行各业兴承诺,欢迎监督不推托,原本皆为分内事,何须高唱"文明歌". 1998年考研英语(一)官方范文 Odds and funny as they sound, such false promises can be seen and heard everywhere in our country. Administration departments assure to perform their tasks effectively and fairly without taking any bribes; manufacturing units guarantee to turn out products of good quality; commercial enterprises swear to provide genuine commodities and polite and enthusiastic services. Can you find anything new and substantial other than their obligations, duties and jobs in these so called promises? I guess your answer will be negative. As a matter of fact, their intention to make such commitments is nothing but to put on civilized outer clothing to please or deceive the public. 尽管这些承诺听起来奇怪有趣,但在全国各地都可以看到或听到这样的虚假承诺。管理部门保证不接受任何贿赂,公正有效地履行职责;生产厂家保证生产高质量产品;商业企业发誓提供真货和礼貌热情的服务。在这些所谓的承诺中,除了他们的义务、责任和工作之外,你还能发现任何新的和实质性的东西吗?我想你的答案将是否定的。事实上,他们作这种承诺的目的只是披上华丽的外衣以便取悦并欺骗公众。 例如,当有人将要饿死时,你的一点食物和水就能挽救他的生命。又如,当一个乡下的小女孩由于贫困被迫退学时,你的一点钱就能支持她完成学业并且改变她的人生。你给出的爱心正如黑暗中最需要的一盏明灯。 社会热点事件举例的难点在于,要对社会热点事件的相关词汇和表达方式相当了解,否则在书写的过程中会遇到很多麻烦。因为,我们比较推荐考生在考前重点搜集和背诵一些例子,在考场上争取直接引用,而不是现场编写。 |