PART 1 It did not matter what was done in the experiment; so long as something was changed productivity rose . An awareness that they were being experimented upon seemed to be enough to alter workers’ behavior by itself. After several decades , the same data were subjected to the econometric analysis . Hawthorne experiments had another surprise in store . Contrary to the descriptions on record , no systematic evidence was found that levels productivity were related to changes in lighting. ●闪光词汇 X并不重要:X do not matter 数据进行经济计量学的分析:data be subjected to the econometric analysis 没找到系统的证据:no systematic evidence be found 与灯光的改变有关:be related to changes in lighting 单独地:by oneself ●经典例句 It did not matter( what was done in the experiment ) ; (so long as something was changed ) productivity rose. 结构提示:(what was done in the experiment )是真正的主语,面前的it只不过是形式主语;(so long as something was changed)作为productivity rose 的条件状语从句。 试验中做什么并不重要;只要有变化,变量就会增加。 PART 2 In 1924 America’s National Research Council sent two engineers to supervise a series of industrial experiments at a large telephone-parts factory called the Hawthorne Plant near Chicago . It hoped they would learn how stop-floor lighting affected worker’s productivity . Instead , the studies ended up giving their name to the “Hawthorne effect ” the extremely in fluential ides the very act of being experimented upon changed subjects’ behavior . The idea arose because of the perplexing behavior of the women in the plant . According to accounts of the experiments their hourly output rose when lighting was increased , ●闪光词汇 监督一系列工业实验:supervise a series of industrial experiments 这些研究最终命名为X:the studies end up giving name to X 观点出现:the ideas arise 非常重要的观点:the extremely influential idea 令人困惑的行为:the perplexing behavior According to accounts of the experiments their hourly output rose ( when lighting was increased ) , but also ( when it was dimmed ). ●经典例句 结构提示:(when lighting was increased )作为rose 的时间状语从句;but also 后是省略句,补充完整应该是but also their hourly output rose ( when it was dimmed ). 根据实验的描述,无论灯光变亮还是变暗,他们每个小时的产量都会增加。 通过考生们对以上真题的研究,是否对于攻克考研英语更加有信心了呢?有志者,事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚;苦心人,天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。只要各位考生坚持下来,相信终会迎来胜利的那一天。预祝各位考生金榜题名,取得理想佳绩! |