
匿名 2019-03-08 17:05:23 热度:

In a bid to de-stress and break free from thetensions of daily life, Japanese students andprofessionals are taking to a bizarre trend called’Zentai’. It’s a community consisting of people of allages and walks of life, donning full-body lycra suitsand meeting on internet forums, in clubs, atbarbecue parties, and sometimes just on the street.


It’s ironical, but the tight suits are actually able to help stressed individuals loosen up, becausesuch behavior is probably frowned upon in genteel circles. Many of the Zentai perceive thetrend as a welcome break from the pressures of living in Japanese society that valuesconformity to tradition over individual desires.


"My family is conservative," said university student Yukinko, a member of the Zentai club. "They like me to be quiet and feminine, but in secret I wear all over tights and let loose. I’m adifferent person wearing this. I can be friendly to anyone and feel as if I can do anything."


The anonymity that the stretchy suits provide is another factor that pulls many peopletowards the trend. "People can’t see us and it’s difficult to see them," explained Zentai leaderSeiwa Tamura. "So whether one is a teacher or public servant, we become without identity andour true self emerges."

很多人追随这一潮流的另一个原因是,穿这种紧身衣可以隐藏身份。"Zentai"族的一位名叫Seiwa Tamura的领头人解释道:“人们不会看到我们,我们也很难看到他们。因此无论一个人是老师还是公务员,我们都能变成没有身份、以真实的自我而存在。”

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