A seven-year-old boy has been forced to marry afemale dog in a rural Indian village because hishoroscopes foretold his first wife would die young. 近日在印度农村某地区,一名7岁大的小男孩因算命师称其第一个妻子会被他克死,家人竟强迫让他娶一条狗作为自己的"结发妻子"。 Mukesh Kerayi had also grown a tooth in the upperpart of his mouth - which, according to traditionaltribal beliefs in Jharkhand, India - is bad luck. 这位名叫穆克什的男孩,上颚也长出了牙齿,这在印度恰尔肯得邦当地是不吉的凶兆。 Despite government efforts to the contrary, many of the region’s tribal communities still followhoroscopes and other superstitions religiously. 虽然印度政府在消除迷信方面做了很多努力,但很多部落社区仍存在占卜算命,崇尚宗教迷信等陋习。 For the big day, the family dressed the dog in a bridal outfit and the village turned out for thecelebrations just like a normal wedding. They danced and cheered as though it was Mukesh’sreal life wedding, it was claimed. 在穆克什结婚这个大日子,家人为狗穿上了新娘礼服,全村人纷纷前来道贺,当日婚礼现场和正常婚礼没有两样。村民载歌载舞,好像这真的就是穆克什真正的人生大事,婚礼现场热闹非凡。 His grandfather, Ashok Kumar Leyangi, 43, said: ’We believe the marriage will ward off any badomen attached the boy. This is traditional practice in our tribal community and we still believein these old customs. We feel that it is our adult responsibility to keep our children safe andhappy this way.’ 男孩的祖父,43岁的阿肖克库马尔表示,"我们相信这场婚姻会赶走男孩身上的厄运。这是我们部落一贯以来的传统做法,我们相信这些旧习俗,我们觉得用这种方式保护我们的孩子,让他们健康快乐成长是我们的责任"。 "This is definitely one of the weirdest things I’ve read. On a side note, doesn’t the dog lookadorable?! Such a shame she doesn’t even know what’s happening she’s just loving theattention ,"JessiCruz from United States commented on facebook. "这绝对是我听到过最荒谬的事。换个角度,这只狗很可爱有没有?!她都不知道发生了什么事,只是很享受这关注度吧",来自美国的网友杰西在脸书上评论道。 "Did the dog say ’yes I do’?", another netizen joked. 还有网友调侃,"狗新娘有没有说’我愿意’?" |