A "Let Reading Occupy the Subway" campaign waslaunched in Beijing. 近日一项名为"阅读占领地铁"的活动在北京举行。 At 7:00 am on Sunday morning, when most Beijingcommuters were enjoying a lie-in before anotherbusy week, around two dozen people waited quietlyat the city’s busy Xizhimen station, carrying theirfavorite books.They took the train and began to readon their 30-minute-long trip. 上周日早上七点,很多北京的上班族还在香甜的睡梦中,为即将开始的忙碌的下一周养精蓄锐的时候,有四五十名年轻人拿着自己喜爱的书,聚集在西直门地铁站等待上车。他们上车后就坐下安静地看书,30分钟的车程之后随即下车。 Wang Chong, one of the people behind the flash mob that widely circulated online, said itspurpose was to call for people to read more books amid the decline of reading in China inrecent years. 王冲是这次网上广为流传的快闪族的倡导者之一,他表示,这次活动是针对近几年中国国民阅读数量下降的问题而开展的,旨在倡导全民阅读。 Chinese people read an average 4.56 books, 65.03 newspapers and 6.07 magazines during2014, according to a survey. 根据一项调查显示,2014年国人平均阅读4.56本书,65.03份报纸和6.07份杂志。 "We named this performance art ’occupy the subway and read books’ and we hope to inspirepeople to read books," Wang told the Global Times on Tuesday. "Many people seem to beoccupied by various entertainments nowadays, including TV shows or browsing gossip newson their phones." “我们把这次快闪行动命名为’让阅读占领地铁’,希望激励人们多读书,”周二王冲告诉环球时报,“现在越来越多的人把时间都耗费在玩手机,关注各种娱乐八卦消息上。” |