European aerospace giant Airbus Group SE willcooperate with US ride-hailing service UberTechnologies Inc to provide on-demand flights withits H125 and H130 helicopters, Chief ExecutiveOfficer Tom Enders said. 欧洲航空巨头空中客车集团首席执行官汤姆·恩德斯表示,该公司将与美国打车服务公司优步科技展开合作,通过空客H125和H130直升机为用户提供"专机"服务。 The service will be first tested at the Sundance FilmFestival in Park City, Utah, which starts Jan 21,Enders told a technology conference in Munichyesterday. The project aims to make helicopter flights available to a wider audience, he said. 恩德斯昨日在慕尼黑举行的一次科技会议上表示,这项服务将于本月21日首先在犹他州帕克城的圣丹斯电影节上测试。他同时表示,该项目主旨是要使直升机航班对更多用户来说具有可行性。 The cooperation with Uber comes as Airbus’s Enders seeks to push innovation at theToulouse, France-based company that makes everything from civil airplanes tomilitarytransporters. Airbus has armed its Silicon Valley branch with US$150 million in venture capitalto invest in promising aerospace startups around the world. 此次与Uber的合作,正值恩德斯希望推进空客创新之际。这家总部位于法国图卢兹的公司将会在民航和军用运输领域进行全面的推进。此外,空客还通过其硅谷分公司发起了1.5亿美元风险投资基金,专门投资世界各地有前景的航空创业公司。 Neither Uber nor Airbus disclosed how much a helicopter ride share might cost - but given themethod of transportation it’s likely to be a pretty penny. 优步和空客均未透露打一次"飞的"需花费多少钱,不过考虑到使用的交通工具,很可能价格不菲。 |