考研英语作文范文:常用的解决问题的对策 1)扬善去恶:(两面性问题,比如手机,彩票等等) What we must do is to encourage the merits of sth. and avoid its demerits. 2) 大家联合起来:(一般用在解决学生的问题,心理健康啊,网瘾啊等等) It is high time that sb. should make combined efforts to put an end to this situation. 3)个人意识:(提高环境保护的意识等等) The public / we ourselves should enhance the consciousness of … 4)加强教育:(一般用在涉及面比较广的社会问题) A large-scale education campaign should be launched to inform the public of the significance of… 5)政府出台:(一般用在比较大的,比较严重的社会问题,如节约问题,浪费问题等等) The authorities should work out and implement relevant laws and regulations to impose a heavy penalty on those who… 6)呼吁相关部门加强监管:(一般用在比较大,严重的社会问题。如质量问题,假冒产品问题) The relevant administration departments should strengthen the supervision on… 相关Tags:英语作文 |