2017考研英语拓展阅读:南京大学图书馆微信选座引争议 Students in Nanjing University will no longer have toworry about their seats in the library being taken upby someone else when they temporarily leave theirseats. 南京大学的同学们今后再也不用担心,离开一会儿之后,自己在图书馆的座位被别人给占了。 "WeChat library", a mobile-based online platform formanaging the use of library seats, started a trialoperation at Nanjing University on last Thursday tokeep good order in some libraries, triggering aheated debate on campus. 为了保证图书馆的良好秩序,南京大学上周四正式推出了一个移动在线座位管理系统平台——“微信图书馆”。这一举动在校园中引起了热议。 The platform runs on the university’s official account "Going to the library" on WeChat.Students can book seats, register their presence, report when they leave and reserve seatson the platform. 该平台是通过“我去图书馆”微信公众号运行的。学生可以在该平台上预约座位、确认入座、在离开时报告并保留座位。 According to the rules, those who book the seat have the priority to use the seat, but theyalso have to observe a time limit. They must take the seat and scan the QR code on the seatwithin 20 minutes of the library opening. If not, they will get a violation record. 根据规定,用微信在线预约选座的人有优先使用所选座位的权利,但是必须要遵守时间限定。在早上开馆20分钟内,他们必须扫描二维码到馆验证就座,否则将记违规1次。 They also have to be back at the seat and report on the platform in 20 minutes if leaving forthe toilet, 30 minutes for book searching, and 90 minutes for lunch or supper. 该规定还指出,读者离开座位选择保留有相应的时间规定,如去卫生间20分钟、查资料30分钟,用餐时间为90分钟。 Any violation will be recorded, and when three violations are registered, the system willautomatically put the violator onto a blacklist. 任何违规都会被记录下来,且累计达到3次,系统会自动将其列入黑名单。 Students reacted differently to the new rules. 对这一新规定,同学们看法不一。 A university student, surnamed Ye, argued that the time limit was too strict as everyone hasdifferent habits. "I think there must be someone who will break the time limit. Not everyone canbe so self-disciplined," he said. 一位姓叶的大学学生表示,时间限定太严格了,因为每个人的习惯不同。他说:“我想,肯定有人会超出时间限定的。每个人不可能都约束得那么好。” Another student, surnamed Shen, believes the new tool manages order well as it effectivelyprevents seats from being occupied when students leave temporarily. 另一位姓沈的同学认为,这一工具可以管理秩序,也能有效防止同学们短时间离开后座位被占现象的发生。 Many students support the platform, as snatching seats has long been a issue. It is a positivechange, they said, and at least it is better to use the platform and obey rules than not. 很多学生支持这一平台,因为占座对于大学生来说一直是一大问题。他们表示,使用这种平台并遵守规定总比没有的要好。 |