2017考研英语拓展阅读:美国欲称霸世界海洋秩序 China on Tuesday urged the United States to show respect for other countries’ sovereignty and security. 本周二,中国敦促美国应该尊重别国主权和国家安全。 Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying made the statement at a regular press briefing when asked to comment on an annual freedom of navigation report released by the US Department of Defense (DoD) on April 25. 在外交部例行新闻发布会上,当被问及对4月25日由美国国防部发表的年度航行自由报告作何评价时,外交部发言人华春莹作了这份声明。 According to the DoD Freedom of Navigation Report for the Fiscal Year 2015, the US military conducted "freedom of navigation" operations against 13 countries and regions last year, including China, India and Indonesia. 根据美国国防部2015财年的航行自由报道,去年美国军方在包括中国、印度和印度尼西亚在内的13个国家和地区进行了“自由航行”。 The DoD said on its website that these operations aimed to preserve the rights, freedoms, and lawful use of the sea and airspace guaranteed to all nations under international law. 美国国防部在其网站上说,美国的这些行动目的在于维护由国际法赋予所有国家的权利和自由,以及对海域和空域的合法使用。 US freedom of navigation operations last year challenged China’s claims of jurisdiction over airspace above the Exclusive Economic Zone(EEZ) and restrictions on foreign aircraft flying through an Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) over the East China Sea, according to the report. 这份报告指出,美国去年的自由航行行动挑战了中国对东海专属经济区领空的管辖权,还打破了东海防空识别区对于外国飞机飞行的限制。 "We have taken note of the US report," said Hua, adding that the aim of the DoD freedom of navigation program was, in essence, to advance the US unilateral proposition by force and coercion, by brandishing its naval and air power. 华春莹说:“我们注意到了美国的报告。”她还补充说道,从本质上讲,美国国防部自由航行行动的目的是凭借其海军和空军力量,通过武力和胁迫单方面地推进美国的主张。 In 1979, the United States established the Freedom of Navigation program before the signing of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), said Hua, adding that its aim was to safeguard the US military’s maximum freedom and maneuverability to enter the oceans of the world and challenge the new maritime order as a non-signatory of the 1982 UNCLOS. 华春莹说到,1979年,美国赶在联合国海洋法公约签约前,在国内通过了自由航行法案,而没有在1982年的联合国海洋法公约上签字。其目的是最大限度地维护美军的自由和机动性,从而美国能够进入世界公海、破坏新海洋秩序。 Hua said these moves by the United States are an attempt to dominate maritime order and reflect its logic of hegemony and exceptionalism in its treatment of international law, which it uses when convenient and abandons on unfavorable conditions. 华春莹说,这些举措反应了美国企图称霸世界海洋秩序的野心,同时说明美国在对待国际法的态度上表现出霸权论和例外论并存的特点。在对自己有利时,美国就会使用国际法来维护自己的利益,而对自己不利时,美国就会放弃国际法的使用。 She called on the United States to do more that is truly conducive to safeguarding global maritime order as well as regional peace and stability. 华春莹呼吁美国做更多真正有益于维护全球海洋秩序和地区稳定与和平的事。 Media reports said six US Air Force planes performed a flight mission in "international airspace" in the vicinity of Huangyan Island in the South China Sea on April 19. 有媒体报道,4月19日,美国空军6架飞机在中国南海黄岩岛附近执行一项“国际空域”飞行任务。 China’s Ministry of National Defense on Monday said in a statement that the United States is pushing militarization of the South China Sea in the name of freedom of navigation and overflight. 中国国防部在周一的一份声明中指出,美国正在以航海和航空自由的名义推进中国南海的军事化。 China is concerned about and opposed to actions that threaten the sovereignty and security of countries around the South China Sea and undermine regional peace and stability, according to the statement. 据该份报告指出,中国严切关注并且坚决反对任何威胁中国南海周边国家主权和国家安全的行为,同时严厉谴责任何有可能危害地区和平与稳定的行为。 |