2017考研英语拓展阅读:名字或能影响一个人的寿命 Having a traditional name may add up to a year toyour life, suggests a new study that found black menwith historically distinctive names, such as Elijah andMoses, lived a year longer than other black males. 近日一项新研究发现,取了以利亚、摩西等带有历史特色名字的黑人男子的寿命比其他黑人男子多出一年,这表明有个传统的名字可能会让你延寿一年。 The researchers ruled out socioeconomic andenvironmental factors such as single-parenthouseholds, education and occupation. "A wholeadditional year on their lives, in mortality terms, isremarkable," Cook said. 研究人员排除了社会经济和环境因素,如单亲家庭、教育和职业。“寿命多出整整一年,在死亡率方面来说,是非常值得注意的,”研究人员库克说道。 The study examined 3 million death certificates from 1802 to 1970. Other studies that looked atcurrent black names such as Jamal and Lakisha suggest that having these modern-daymonikers leads to discrimination. 这项研究分析了1802-1970年间300万份死亡证明书。其他研究还发现,例如贾马尔、拉吉萨这些现代黑人的名字会导致歧视。 The researchers said that men with these Old Testament names may have been held to a higherstandard in academic and other activities, and had stronger family or community ties and allof these help these men live longer. 研究人员表示,名字取自《旧约》的人可能会在学习等其他方面被寄予较高的期望,他们有着更为稳固的家庭或社区关系,所有这些都帮助他们活得更长。 |