好的写作,首先而且至关重要的一点就是简洁。繁冗的写作堆砌了许多无用的词藻,反而减弱表述的清晰度。当然,也不能仅仅因为简短就认为短句一定优于长句。只要一个单词确实能起到一定的作用,它就应该留在句中。一般来说,只有在进行强调或修饰、美化句子时,才能使用重复的单词、语音和短语。修改文章,就是要删繁就简。 例一 【原】It makes me feel painful to think that she has to work 12 hours a day and seven days a week. 【改】It pains me to think that she has to work 12 hours a day and seven days a week. 例二 【原】It will be our aim to ensure proper health care for each and everyone of the Chinese people 【改】Our aim is to ensure proper health care for all Chinese. 例三 【原】This book will help you master the basic elements of good writing 【改】This book will help you master the basics of good writing 例四 【原】The search of the forest that they conducted was entirely complete 【改】The search of the forest was complete 例五 【原】Whenever anyone telephoned her to ask her for help with their homework she always obliged right away. 【改】She immediately obliged anyone who telephoned for help with homework |