Part C Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points) Our daily existence is divided into two phases, as distinct as day and night. We call them work and play. We work many hours a day and we allow the necessary minimum for such activities as eating and shopping. 46) The rest we spend in various activities which are known as recreations, an elegant word which disguises the fact that we usually do not even play in our hours of leisure, but spend them in various forms of passive enjoyment or entertainment. We need to make, therefore, a hard-and-fast distinction not only between work and play but, equally, between active play and passive entertainment. 47) It is, I suppose, the decline of active play — of amateur sport — and the enormous growth of purely receptive entertainment which have given rise to a sociological interest in the problem. If the greater part of the population, instead of indulging in sport, spend their hours of leisure “viewing” television programs, there will inevitably be a decline in health and physique. In addition, we have yet to trace the mental and moral consequences of prolonged diet of sentimental or sensational spectacles on the screen. 48) There is, if we are optimistic, the possibility that the diet is too thin and unnourishing to have much permanent effect on anybody. Nine films out of ten seem to leave absolutely no impression on the mind or imagination of those who have seen them. 49) It is only when entertainment is active, participated in, practiced, that it can properly be called play, and as such it is a natural use of leisure. In that sense play stands in contrast to work, and is usually regarded as an activity that alternates with work. Work itself is not a single concept. We say quite generally that we work in order to make a living. Some of us work physically, tilling the land, minding the machines, digging the coal; others work mentally, keeping accounts, inventing machines, teaching and preaching, managing and governing. 50) There does not seem to be any factor common to all these diverse occupations, except that they consume our time, and leave us little leisure.(356 words) Section ⅢWriting Part A 51. Directions: Read the following Chinese text and write an abstract of it in 80—100 English words on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points) 帮助孩子重新振作 孩子得不到帮助,后果可能很严重。根据一次全国性调查,父母离婚或分居的小孩在接下来的3年内比别的小孩更有可能出现健康问题。父母离婚的小孩留级率或停学率可能是别的小孩的两倍, 需要咨询的概率很可能比别的小孩多3倍。 仅仅靠时间无法愈合这类精神创伤,这些孩子需要成年人的帮助。下面提供3项策略,是我在为这类有问题的家庭提供咨询时总结出来的: 一、 尽早将真相告诉小孩。我们提出了以下几个办法: 亲自向孩子透露令人沮丧的消息。当孩子意识到自己和他所熟悉并信任的某个人共同分享真相时,他能正确面对几乎任何事。如果有可能,离婚的父母双方在孩子听到他们离婚的消息时都应在场。 如果家庭压力与一个意外事故有关,要说清楚事故的原委。否则,有些孩子会产生无端的负罪感。 如果有较大的突发事件,要小心地解释家庭生活可能会发生的变化。对孩子来说,了解任何事实比不明就里强。 [Nextpage] 二、 鼓励孩子将自己的情绪讲出来,但如果孩子还没准备好,也别强迫他们。小孩子和成年人一样,也需要谈谈自己的缺憾。你可以用下面几个方法帮他们敞开心扉: 发生悲剧时,首先跟孩子聊聊你自己的感受和烦恼,以便使孩子更容易表达出他们的感受。然后问些能引导进一步讨论的问题。 跟孩子谈话要挑选适当的时机和场合。 如果你无法用言语表达痛苦或担忧,可以考虑给你的孩子写一封信。让孩子理解你的内心感受很重要,这样他们才能更好地理解他们自己的感受。 三、 着眼于未来。我在伊利诺伊州的几个朋友改建了住房。改建工程完成一个星期后,一场大火毁灭了房子,全家人差点儿葬身火海。 过后,父母和孩子们坐下来谈话。“一切都过去了,”母亲说,“以后的生活绝不会跟以前一样,一定会再好起来的。”经过一年的努力,全家人搬进了新居,新房子就建在原先房子的所在地。他们的财产比以前少多了,但是他们感情上变坚强了,决心在生活上翻开新的一页。 当危机袭来时,不健康的家庭会分崩离析,健康的家庭会向前看,重新构建,他们通常会遵照下面的3条基本原则: 做父母的得先治愈自己的创伤。如果父母中的一方或父母双方带头的话,孩子就比较容易从一次较大的家庭挫折中重新振作起来。衣阿华州立大学的一些研究人员在研究中西部450个家庭的青少年受家庭经济困难的影响时发现,家庭经 济问题对十几岁少年的影响比其父母对家庭经济问题的反应要小。 把注意力重新放到家庭的价值上。不要哀叹因为你的配偶丢掉了他或她的工作你就再也不能享受某些活动了,不要喋喋不休地谈论毁于一场洪水或火灾的家庭录影集。 让小孩子参与对某些事情的决策,让他们感到自己在做贡献。一年春天,一个有几个小孩的朋友意识到,她那有病的、上了年纪的祖母再也无法自理,将不得不搬到他们那栋3个卧室的简陋房子里。父母立即和7岁的儿子、两岁的女儿讨论这个问题。“我们都必须尽力帮助她。” 母亲说,“曾祖母需要一个自己的房间。”她对7岁的儿子说:“你妹妹还在睡婴儿床,所以曾祖母只有睡你的床了。” 这男孩将不得不睡在客厅的沙发床上。“太好了!”男孩说,他为能参与这一重要的家庭决定而感到高兴,“我要让她住我的房间。”老太太搬进来后,孩子们似乎能感受到她的需求,无论什么时候,只要她在场,他们甚至会停止惯常的争吵。 2007年,在做了14年的单身母亲后,我再婚了。这件事并没有给我那3个已成年的儿子带来很大的压力,但这毕竟是一个很大的调整。我耐心地等待着他们对这一重大变化完全适应的迹象。 一天晚上,儿子们晚饭后要一起出去,他们一一跟我吻别道晚安。当他们走近我的丈夫马蒂时,我料想他们要和平时一样依次跟他握手。然而,先是迈克尔,然后是汤姆和蒂姆,走到马蒂跟前,第一次和他拥抱。那个简单动作表明他们完全接受了这个继父和我们新的家庭组合。我自豪地笑了,他们做得很好。他们能处理好他们未来人生道路上的任何问题。为人父母,最感到知足的莫过于此。(1552字) 注:重新振作bounce back。 Part B 52. Directions: Write an essay of 160—200 words based on the following picture. In your essay, you should 1) describe the cartoon briefly, 2) interpret the social phenomenon reflected by the cartoon, and 3) give your point of view. You should write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points) |