Directions: On your way from Beijing to Paris, you lost you luggage carried by the airline. Write a complaint letter to the service center of the Airline. In your letter, you should tell them 1) what happened to your luggage, 2) what your luggage is like, 3) what compensation you expect. You should write about 100 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points) 一、审题与谋篇 本题要求写一封投诉信。写投诉信的目的是表达不满、愤怒等情绪,并希望遇到的问题能够得到解决。投诉的原因多种多样,如:顾客投宿服务或产品的质量差、价格高、没有达到标准;学生投诉食堂的饭菜又贵又难吃;居民投诉附近噪音大等。由于写信的目的主要是希望自己的声音能被听到,问题能够快速得到解决,因此写出恰当而有力的投诉信是非常重要的。写此类信时应尽量保持一种礼貌而坚定的语气,不能恐吓或威胁。注意用简洁而切题的方式把问题陈述清楚,详细描述所投诉的产品或服务,说明给你带来的不便,陈述你希望得到的问题解决方式,可以明确时间的期限。此外,写信时应表示出对得到公正对待的自信,但避免过于情绪化。 指导语中给出的情景是托运行李在航班上丢失,信的内容包括:(1)介绍你的行李所发生的状况;(2)说明行李的具体特征;(3)希望得到的赔偿。 二、 参考范文 Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing because I need to complain to you about what happened to my luggage carried by your airlines. On Friday, June 2, 2006, I traveled on your airlines from Beijing to Paris. When I went to pick up my luggage in Paris, I was informed that it was missing. The lost luggage is a black suitcase, 50 cm in length and 30 cm in width, in which there are five volumes of valuable research papers. If they cannot be found for me, I am sure that you will agree to pay me ¥1000, the estimated worth of my luggage on my claim ticket, to compensate for my great loss. I have always enjoyed the good service of your airlines, and I look forward to receiving the same kind of good service in this matter. Sincerely Li Ming |