【摘要】考研阅读中很大一部分文章和经济话题相关,小编为大家总结了一些经济类词汇,希望对英语复习有所裨益。 众所周知,在考研英语阅读文章中,经济类词汇占据了一席之地,并且所占的比重在英语二当中则更大,那么这就意味着在前期的基础阶段,大家要更多的去接触与经济相关的东西。单从理解程度来讲,词汇的重要性更是不言而喻。想要很好的理解文章,就要在词汇层面上对原有的简单单词在经济类现象中的意思了如指掌。小编为大家列举部分在经济类文章中常见的词汇,单词均为基础词汇,在经济背景下他们又被赋予了新的意思,加以总结与领悟,方能让大家的复习更加轻松和高效! 单词 | 释义 | 例句 | Benefit | 利益,好处 | | Balance | 结余;余款 | This year’s profit will balance our previous losses. | Bond | 债券,契约 | My father put all his money into stock market bonds. | Brisk | 生气勃勃的,兴隆的 | The public bar was already doing a brisk business. | Budget | 预算;做预算 | Budget office 预算局 cut down the budget | Cancel | 相互抵消 | cancel out 抵偿 The losses in our overseas division have cancelled out the profits made in the home market. | Bubble | 泡沫,幻影 | Bubble economy | Curb | 抑制 | The government introduced new measures aimed at curbing inflation. | Currency | 货币 | The Euro will ultimately replace European national currencies. | Decline | 下滑 | Computer sales declined 6.8 percent this year. | Deficit | 赤字,逆差 | A budget deficit a trade deficit | Depress | 使经济萧条 | Several factors combined to depress the Japan’s economy. | Dividend | 红利,股息 | The company declared a large dividend at the end of the year. | Drastic | 严厉的 | A drastic reduction in employment | Inflation | 通货膨胀 | Inflation rate | Issue | 发行 | Issue shares | Levy | 征收税 | Levy a tax on firms | Foam | 泡沫 | Foam economy | Rate | 价格,费用 | | Saving | 储蓄,存款;节约的 | Bank savings | Item | 物品,商品 | You can get its items you want in our supermarket. | Installment | 分期付款 | Buy goods on the installment plan have become quite popular in recent years. | Merchandise | 商品,货物 | | Monopoly | 垄断,专卖 | The telecommunication service in the country is a government without monopoly. | Premium | (投保人向保险公司支付的) 保险金;奖金;额外津贴 | Insurance premium premium system | Promote | 促销,推销 | Mr.Miller is going to London to promote his company’s new product. | Refund | 退还,偿还 | One can return the purchase within 15 days for a full refund | Turnover | 成交量,营业额 | | Trademark | 商标 | | 不求暖心,只想来点实在的。来帮学堂刷视频,用实力搞定考研。 (实习小编:梁萱) 相关Tags:英语阅读