提高,变好:improve, make better, enhance 采取(措施):adopt, take 提出(政策):propose, offer 废除:eliminate, get rid of, do way with, dispense with 提供:provide, offer, give 能,会,可以:can, (would) be able to, have the chance/opportunity to do.., get to do 应该:should, be supposed to, shall, have to, must, be required to, it is necessary for sb to 上升,增加:(vi.)increase, go up, rise, (vt.) increase, raise (n.) growth, rise, increase. 下降,减少/小:(vt.) decrease, reduce, lower (vi.) decrease, fall, drop, go/come down, decline. (n.) fall, decrease, decline, drop 变:change, alter, become (different/big/small/..), get, grow 知道,了解,意识到:know, be aware/concious of, realize, get information about 证实,表明:show, suggest, indicate, make it clear that 很大程度上,基本上:greatly, considerably, enormously, significantly, basically 任务:assignment, job, work, task |