1.出现形式 (1)文章首段或首句提出主旨或讨论的问题; (2)在文章或段落的末尾归纳总结出中心思想; (3)文章或段落中间给出中心; (4)最难的情况,不给出明确中心,需要考生根据内容自己总结。
2.命题基本模式 文章主旨题 The passage ismainly about Which of thefollowing best reflects the main idea of the passage? The proper subjectof this article is 段落主旨题 From the first (2nd,3rd,4th,ect)paragraphthat From the last(2nd,3rd,4th,ect)paragraphthe conclusion can be drawn that We learn from thefirst (last, ect)paragraph that 隐蔽的文章主旨题 From the passage welearn (infer) that What can beinferred from the passage? What the authortries to suggest may be interpreted as
3.相应策略 (1)主旨题的正确选项特点:不应该是细节信息;不含过分肯定或是绝对意义的词; (2)错误选项的特点:大多以偏概全,只是文章的细枝末节,不能涵盖全文内容;出现细节性的名词信息;过于笼统; (3)因为考生需要读完全文才能把握文章主旨,解答此类题时,不管它出现在什么位置都要把它作为最后一道来做。而且,做完另外几道题后,无疑会有助于考生加深对整个文章的理解,保证此类题的正确性; (4)出现在文章中间的主旨句比较少,如果出现,多起承上启下的作用,所以应该警惕前后段意思转折的地方。 |