First read the following question. 32. The author of the passage is Johannesburg. A. concerned about B. critical of C. nostalgic about D. hopeful about
Now go through TEXT G quickly and answer question 32. For a city purported to be dying. Johannesburg looks pretty lively on a Saturday morning. Fleets of minivans deliver black shoppers from Sweto to the teeming sidewalks downtown, where Zairian hawkers peddle everything from kiwis to toaster-ovens. Mozambican barbers shear locks under colored plastic tents. The Carlton Center mall buzzes with chatter in English, French. Zulu and Tswana. At the fast-food Africa Hut, weary shoppers fortify themselves with oxtail stew and pap. a maize-based starch. There are few white faces. But the Africans are too busy making and spending money to fret about white flight. "I'm targeting African customers more than whites." says Jabi. who recently opened a jeweler's. "Look around, they're everywhere." White South Africans used to boast that Johannesburg was Continental in flavor, It still is, only now the continent is Africa. With apartheid ended and laws forbidding black Africans to live in town repeated. "Joburg" has become blacker, poorer and more dangerous. It is also more vibrant than ever. "The city is not declining, it's changing." says Lindsay Bruner, a white member of the Greater Johannesburg Metropolitan Council. "There are real problems, but perception is our biggest. " Plenty of Africans - white and black - are willing to invest in the new Johannesburg. Large retailers like Woolworth's are pumping millions of brands into new flagship stores. Black and Asian shopkeepers, doctors and lawyers have moved in to replace the whites who have left. City planners hope this blend of wealth and Africanization will make Johannesburg the continent's economic and cultural capital. |