Shanghai to present brilliant Special Olympics ceremonies

匿名 2019-04-08 14:14:18 热度:

Organizers of the Special Summer Olympic Games said on Thursday that they will deliver brilliant opening and closing ceremonies.

"In the ceremonies, artists from China and abroad will introduce China to the world," said Gu Shuhang, a public relations official with the organizers.

Co-directed by Chinese and foreign directors, the opening ceremony consists of an overture and four chapters.

"The four chapters will stand for the four spirits of Special Olympics -- Courage, Sharing, Skills and Pleasure," Gu explained.

American Don Mischer, the leading producer of the foreign side, said the opening ceremony will be integrated with Chinese and Shanghai elements.

"The opening ceremony will be impressing, showing the charm of the combination of cultures from China and abroad, and the features of Special Olympic Games," said Mischer, who directed the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996, Salt Lake City Winter Olympics in 2002 and has won Emmy Awards 13 times.

The Special Olympics will run from October 2 to 11 in Shanghai, which will host more than 10,000 athletes and coaches from 163 nations and regions.  


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