摘要:考研英语作为一门考研公共课,虽然大家都学了英语十几年,却仍经常有总分过线挂在英语上的情况,因此英语复习不单单是单词、做题。阅读作为考研英语的大头,仅仅做考研真题或许没法满足你的阅读量,因此帮帮之后会不定时推出一篇英文美文,这些文章都与考研英语阅读同源,多读必有好处。 Everest: Three more die amid overcrowding near summit 珠穆朗玛峰:在峰顶附近,又有三人因过度拥挤致死 Three more climbers have died on Mount Everest, taking the death toll to seven in a week - more than the total for the whole of last year. The three died of exhaustion while descending on Thursday. 3名珠峰攀登者的死亡使得一周之内登山死亡人数升至7人,已经超过了去年一整年的死亡人数。这三人是在周二下山的途中因力竭而死。 It comes amid traffic jams near the summit as record numbers make the ascent, despite calls to limit the number of climbing permits. 尽管有声音要求限制允许登山的人数,但是今年登山人数还是达到了新高,以致在靠近峰顶的希拉里台阶处出现了人多拥堵的情况。 Nepal has issued 381 permits at $11,000 (€8,600) each for the spring climbing season at the world’s highest peak. 今春的攀登季,尼泊尔政府已经签发了381例登山许可,每人收取11000美元的费用(约合8600欧元)。 Two Indian climbers - Kalpana Das, 52, and Nihal Bagwan, 27 - died while scaling back down the mountain on Thursday. 两名来自印度的登山者也是在本周二下山途中丧生,一位是今年52岁的卡帕那·达斯,另一位是今年27岁的尼哈·巴格万。 Local tour organiser Keshav Paudel told AFP news agency that Bagwan had been "stuck in the traffic for more than 12 hours and was exhausted". A 65-year-old Austrian climber died on the northern Tibet side of the mountain. 当地的旅游组织者科沙夫·保德尔告诉法新社,巴格万当时由于上下拥堵“已经困在原地12个多小时,最后实在支撑不住,失掉了年轻的生命”。一名65岁的奥地利登山者是在珠峰北边,也就是靠近西藏那边丧生的。 An Indian and an American lost their lives on the mountain on Wednesday, while an Irish professor, Séamus Lawless, is presumed dead after falling on 16 May. 周三两名分别来自印度和美国的登山者也相继死亡,还有一名来自爱尔兰的教授塞慕斯·劳乐斯在5月16号意外摔落,目前也被推定死亡。 Conditions this year have also been worse than usual, with high winds leaving a large number of climbers a narrow time frame to reach the summit. Five people are known to have died on Everest and one in Lhotse in the spring season last year. 今年的天气情况也比往年更为恶劣,强风天气使得大量的登山者必须在有限的时间内完成登顶。就大家所知道的就已有5人丧生,还有一位是去年春季在洛子峰那边遭遇了不幸。 The number of people climbing Everest in 2019 could exceed last year’s record of 807 people reaching the summit. The rising numbers of people climbing - and dying - on Everest has led for calls for permits to be limited. 去年登顶珠峰的人数已经达到了807人,而2019年的珠峰攀登人数可能会超过往年。随着珠峰攀登人数的日益增多,死亡人数也开始上升,人们呼吁政府控制每年允许的登山人数。 (全文共280个词,BBC) ►重难点词汇: exhaustion n. 枯竭;耗尽;精疲力竭 descend vi. 下降;下去;下来;遗传;屈尊 vt. 下去;沿…向下 ascent n. 上升;上坡路;登高 exceed vt. 超过;胜过 vi. 超过其他 ►帮帮提示:考研英语同源外刊美文赏读汇总 相关Tags:英语阅读