Chinese employee fired for OK emoji reply to boss on WeChat 一名中国员工因在微信上用“OK”的表情回复老板而被解雇 An employee has been fired from a bar in central China, after replying to her manager with an OK emoji on instant messaging app WeChat, according to an online news site. 据一家在线新闻网站报道,中国中部地区一家酒吧的一名员工因在微信(一款即时通讯app)上用“OK”的表情符号回复经理而被解雇。 The manager of the bar in Changsha, Hunan province, tagged the employee in the team’s WeChat group last week, asking her to send over some meeting documents, and took issue with her response, Btime reported. 据“北京时间”报道,上周,湖南省长沙市一家酒吧的经理在他们团队的微信群里@了该员工,让她发一些会议文件过来,并让她收到后回复。 “You should use text to reply to the message if you have received it. Don’t you know the rules?” the manager replied. “Is this your acknowledgement of receipt?” 这位经理说:“如果你收到了这条消息,就应该用文字来回复。这点规矩不懂吗?这就是你回复消息的方式吗?” A few minutes later he told the employee to contact the human resources department and sort out her resignation. 几分钟后,他让这名员工联系人力资源部递交辞职信。 “This is a real case, the resignation is still being processed,” the employee was quoted as saying. “I have worked for many years and this is my first encounter with this kind of stupid situation. I am good-tempered therefore I didn’t retaliate.” 报道援引该员工的话说:“这是一个真实发生的事情,辞职申请仍在处理中,我工作这么多年了,第一次遇到这种愚蠢的情况。我脾气好,忍住没动手。” The woman said her colleagues agreed that the manager’s behaviour had gone too far, adding that, after the incident, he had sent out an official announcement to the group requesting everyone use “Roger” when replying to messages. 这位女士说道,她的同事们都认为这位经理的行为太过分了,他们还透露说,在这件事发生后,该经理还在微信群里发布了一份正式声明,要求所有人在回复消息时用“收到”。 Screenshots of the conversation went viral on microblogging site Weibo, with 280 million views for posts on the topic, and broad support among users for the employee. 这段对话的截图在微博上被疯狂转发,相关话题的帖子的浏览量已达2.8亿次,网友们纷纷对这位员工表示支持。 Comments included: “Any reason is valid if your boss wants to fire you”; “To be honest, I would not reply to his message” and “I think a good leader should be able to accept different people’s communication styles and characteristics”. 评论包括:“如果你的老板想解雇你了,任何事都能成为理由”、“老实说,换做是我的话就不回复他消息了”,“我认为一位好领导应该接受每个人不同的沟通方式和特点”。 (全文共270个词,南华早报) ►重难点词汇: resignation [,rɛzɪɡ'neʃən] n. 辞职;放弃;辞职书;顺从 encounter [ɪn'kaʊntɚ] vt. 遭遇,邂逅;遇到 n. 遭遇,偶然碰见 vi. 遭遇;偶然相遇 retaliate [rɪ'tælɪ'et] vi./vt. 报复;回敬 characteristic [,kærəktə'rɪstɪk] adj. 典型的;特有的;表示特性的 n. 特征;特性;特色 ►帮帮提示:考研英语同源外刊美文赏读汇总