摘要:英语作文不好写?英语作文写的不出彩?今天帮帮就替你们找到了关于文化交流的英语作文的模板,不会写的小帮主们快快背诵哦。 According to the first drawing, it can be seen that______,it can also be concluded fromthe second picture that ____.As is described in the pictures,_____________. 根据第一幅图所示,可以看出_____________.也可以从第二幅图推断出_____________.正如图中所描述的,把标题用英文写出来. The drawer's real intention is not the drawing itself,but to lead us to find whathides behind it. The rapidly development of economy of china has been accompanied by corresponding increasing trend of cultural communication. Among the world ,we are now exposed to various kinds of cultures. As matter of fact, it has been widely acknowledged that multi-cultures improve our mutual understanding and friendship with other countries since china has been carryingout the reform and opening-up policy. 画图者的真正意图不是图画本身而是引导我们去发现图画背后真正隐含的意思。中国经济的快速发展使得我们与世界各国间的文化交流更加频繁。现在我们接触各种各样的文化。事实上, 大家都公认的, 自中国实行改革开放以来,多元的文化促进了我们相互的理解, 也增强了我国与他国之间的友谊。 In my personal sense,culture is a two-edged sword,and we should take the essenceand discard the dregs. In a word,we should live up to the virtues passed down to us by our ancestors,only in this way can we be worthy of the name of Chinese.Meanwhile,we should learn useful things from the cultures of different nation,it is strongly advised that we students should devote ourselves into the studyof culture for “a better city,better life”,the“dreamof china”put forward by chairman Xi will be around the corner if we exertevery effort to it. It is the responsibility of each Chinese citizen to popularize favorable image of our motherland. let's struggle for china's greatrevival. 个人认为,文化是把双刃剑,我们应该取其精华去其糟粕。总之,我们应该继承发扬祖先流传下来的优秀文化,只有这样我们才配的上我们华夏人的身份。同时,我们应学习他国的优秀文化,强烈建议我们学生应该将自己投入到习主席提出的"更好的城市,更好的生活"。如果我们都尽最大的努力,那么习主席提出的"中国梦"将会在不久的将来得以实现。宣扬一个良好的祖国形象也是每个中国公民应该履行的责任,让我们为中国的伟大复兴而奋斗吧! 背诵模板,确实是写好作文的一种方法,但是帮帮要唠叨一句了:作文虽重要,模板虽好用,但切忌“用力过度”,不要花费太多的时间再英语作文上而忽视了阅读、翻译的复习,我们要明确分值的分布,合理的安排复习时间。 相关Tags:英语作文