2019-03-08Do As the Americans Do在美国学会入乡随俗 Be confident.“Confidence” is probably one of the most noticeable traits in the Americans. They show confidence in the way they talk, the way they smile, the way they dr...
2019-03-08Scientists’p Path to Bliss科学家的幸福之路 Each of us seeks our own path to bliss. In accepting the Nobel Prize from the Swedish2 King in 1980, I said that I had been doubly blessed. For in addition to3 recei...
2019-03-08Download MP3 Audio Intercultural Communications --A Personal Journey 跨文化交际一个人之旅 An Intercultural Profession 跨文化职业 To be better equipped to do that, we returned to the US in 1990. I worked on my MA in...
2019-03-08Texas is preparing to give college students and staff the right to carry guns on campus. More than half of the Texas House of Representatives have signed a measure allowing concealed handguns at univ...
2019-03-08In his suit and working as a banker by day, this man looks an unlikely superhero - but by night, he becomes ’The Statesmen’ and fights crime on Britain’s streets.白天是银行家,西装革履,看上去完全没有身藏绝技的样子,晚上却悄然化身正义使...
2019-03-08At least 65 people have died after a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch on New Zealand’s South Island.新西兰南岛城市基督城发生里氏6.3级地震,目前至少65人在地震中丧生。 The tremor, which hit at 1251 (2351 GMT on Monday) ...
2019-03-08Handwriting has become a dying art, now that kids start using keyboards as soon as they begin school. But writing things out by hand may be a critical way we train our brains, several studies suggest...
2019-03-08Women communicate better than men and actually talk less, researchers said Friday.Men speak more words than women in a day, but have a weaker command of language in social situations, use the same wor...
2019-03-08爱情和友情的界限是什么呢?当然,强烈的爱慕,震憾心弦的感情很容易区别出来。然而,淡淡的,细水长流的爱情与推心置腹、无所不谈的友情往往只差一线。那么怎样来区分呢?Both are so much related to each other. And both are so dissimilar! What are the differences between friendship and love...
2019-03-08A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a guest. A real friend opens your refrigerator and helps himself.一般朋友到访, 客气得就像个客人,而好朋友来了打开冰箱自己想吃什么就拿什么。 A simple friend has never seen you cry. A real friend ...