一切尘埃落定,分数的高低与否很大程度上还是取决于阅读理解的正确率。今年的阅读文章题材依然很时髦:第一篇讲到关于美国安检的事,第二篇讲到夏威夷,第三篇讲到英国脱欧GDP增长不能给人们带来幸福感,第四篇讲美国最高法院对于麦克唐纳德裁决的事。其中涉及本年度热点的就是英国脱欧,这个词汇的英语是Brexit,考场上有没有看到呢。(新闻链接:英国“脱欧”公投于6月23日举行,即全民投票表决英国是否脱离欧盟。结果,投票选择leave的脱欧派胜出,英国真的要离开欧盟了。结果宣布后不久,英国首相卡梅伦便宣布辞职。)所以,我们说考研英语阅读的时效性是非常强的,考生除了要学习英语知识点,还要开拓眼界,进行一些时文阅读,对当下发生的一些热点事件及专有词汇要熟悉了解。 21-25 CCADC 21. explain American’s tolerance of current security check 22. an increase in the number of travelers 23.faster 24.an unreasonable price for enroll 25.Getting stuck in the security line 26-30 ABBAD 26. the importance of astronomy in ancient Hawaii society 27. its geographical features 28.it reminds them of humiliating history 29.may uncover the origin of Hawaii culture 30.passive acceptance 31-35 CBDCA 31. had a low opinion of GDP 32.GDP as the measure of success is widely defied in the UK 33.Its results are enlightening 34.It is essential to consider factors beyond GDP 35.high GDP but inadequate well-being , a UK lesson 36-40 CCABD 36.was contemptuous of McDonell’s conduct 37.concrete returns for gift-givers 38. justifying in addressing the needs of the constituents. 39.guarantee fair play in official access 40. supportive 相关Tags:英语阅读 |