2017考研英语拓展阅读:美国单身母亲"嫁给自己" This woman has only herself to blame if her latestmarriage fails. 要是目前这桩婚事出现什么问题,这名新娘可怪不了别人。 Beautiful Existence—a 42-year-old mother of twofrom Seattle who legally changed her name fromDesiree Longabaugh—spent $7,000 to marry herselfunder the Eiffel Tower in Paris after going through apainful divorce 10 years ago. 该女子现年42岁,来自西雅图,是两个孩子的母亲。她通过合法途径,将自己的名字从德西蕾·隆格巴改成了“美丽的存在”。10年前经历了痛苦的离婚后,如今的她来到巴黎埃菲尔铁塔下,花了7000美元“嫁给自己”。 ![]() "After years of exploring different theories on how to understand myself, self-marriage feltright," she told The Sun. 她对《太阳报》表示,“多年来,我一直在探寻不同的途径去认识自己,而嫁给自己已证明是个很好的归宿。” ![]() Existence said she always dreamed of tying the knot in Paris and decided she would have asmall ceremony there last June — right around her birthday—complete with a photographerand three of her closest friends. “美丽的存在”称,她一直梦想在巴黎举办婚礼,因此决定于去年6月——她的生日月——完婚。参加婚礼的除了一名摄影师,还有她的三位好友。 As her one-year anniversary with herself approaches, Existence is feeling happier than ever. 结婚一周年纪念马上快到了,“美丽的存在”感到了从未有过的幸福。 ![]() "I don’t worry at all about being in a couple now," she said, adding that both her sons fullysupport her. 她说:“现在我再也不用担心夫妻关系了。”她的两个儿子也全力支持她。 For now, self-marriages are not legally recognized, but she thinks that will change in the nearfuture. 目前,“嫁给自己”尚未获法律认可,但她认为这种状况在不远的将来会改变的。 "There are a lot of people, women especially, who are not subscribing to the regular definitionof marriage anymore," she said. 她说:“很多人,尤其女性,已不再认同传统的婚姻定义。” |