【摘要】2016考研备考已经开始进入紧张的阶段,考研英语翻译部分在考试中大约占有10%的分值,是同学们需要重视的部分。大学士考试网携手2016大纲解析人第一时间解读大纲,点击免费报名。 ▶例题 The employment of college students is in a dilemmacalled "unemployment upon graduation",aphenomenon which was once far from collegestudents in China.With the development of societyand economy, the number of college studentsincreases continually, which makes employment ofthem more difficult.The problem of being hard to find a job and hard to live for college studentsbecomes the hot topic of media and all sectors of society.As the precious resource of talents ofa country,college students are the hope of a nation and determine the future of a country.Theemployment of college students not only influences the immediate interests of thousands offamilies,but even influences the economy and social stability of our country and theconstruction of a harmonious socialist society. ▶参考翻译 大学生就业面临的困境是"毕业即失业",这是离中国大学生曾经非常遥远的现象。随着社会经济的发展,大学生群体不断扩大,使得大学生就业愈加困难。大学生就业难、生活难等问题成了众多媒体和社会各界关注的热点问题。大学是国家宝贵的人才资源,是民族的希望、祖国的未来。大学生的就业问题,不仅关系到千家万户的切身利益,更关系到国家的经济建设和社会稳定,关系到社会主义和谐社会的构建。 1、毕业即失业:即"一毕业就失业了",此处作表语,故可译为名词性词组unemployment upon graduation。此处巧用了upon示"一…就"。 2、不断扩大:即"持续增长",译为increase continually。 3、社会各界:可译为all sectors of society。 4、热点问题:可译为hot topic/issue。 5、切身利益:可以理解为"直接利益",故可译为immediate interests。另外,也可译为vital interests。 (实习编辑:张嘉琪) 相关Tags:英语翻译